Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Leivy Naturally Shower Cream

I have been using Dettol happily for the past few years. Cos my mum thinks that the primary concern of a shower cream should be hygiene and anti-bacterial. Which is quite true, otherwise what do we bathe regularly for?

But recently I found out that bathing can be enjoyable in other ways. Cos I also use Leivy Naturally Shower Cream. And I like the strong yet pleasant smell in the bath, which also lingers on my body for a while when I come out.

Leivy's Naturally Whitening Shower Cream

Available: Beauty shop under HDB $4.90


Star properties:
Papaya Enzyme and Licorice Extract for fairer and smoother skin

The big big bottles of papaya and goat's milk.

It's huge!! I like the way it is transparent, so I can monitor the level. It is made to be thin on the sides, so that I can hold it firmly with one hand. This is good when I want to take the bottle in and out of the cabinet. But the pump dispenses quite little cream. I have to press a little extra 2nd helping.

I think it has got better ingredients than Palmolive. And it does have a reasonable amount of papaya and licorice, as they fall into the 2nd third of the ingredients list, and not at the last.

Washing feel
I like the strong smell of papaya, it's very fragrant. It is also very spreadable and not foamy (I don't like foamy shower creams).

Yes, I bought the milk one too, cos I like the idea of milk on my skin. =)

After rinse feel
No difference to skin in using Dettol or The Body Shop. My skin is still soft and smooth enough... ... Slight papaya smell still lingers on my body.

Sensitive skin
Not irritating. Probably due to its non-foamy nature, since I normally develop red bumps only if the cream foams a lot.

Overall, this is really something cheap that I enjoy. I don't even enjoy The Body Shop Mango, or Strawberry as much. But I think TBS White Musk is nicer than this. 1100ml for $4.90 can last a family of 5 roughly 1 month.

Just camwhoring the shower creams.

I love it: 4.5 hearts.
In terms of skin softness, I think all shower gel and cream are the same. But I deducted marks for fragrance, spreadability, foaming and other during shower experience. Since I like TBS White Musk more, I guess there are other products that provide a better bathing experience. But I can swear, I did not enjoy Olay Total Effects Cream or Sephora's Mint Shower Cream as much.

The high marks were given for the price and volume ratio, which at the same time offers an above average quality and bathing experience.

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