The Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter is back with Movie 6 - Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. This time, I am not too excited. I think I am already used to the how HP movies have always been disappointing. I did have too much hope for this sequel.
Unfortunately, I am right. The movie is nice, but with no surprises. The special effects are superb, the acting is good, the faithfulness to the book is there. Yet there were no surprises even though it has been about 6 years since I read HP & The Half Blood Prince, the book.
Though my expectations were low this time, I still hoped that there would be little delights because I had forgotten many of the details in the book. Hope was dashed, and the movie captured just exactly the main points that I remember.
All the same, HP movies have always kept non-readers confused and wondering. This time, sitting besides me was a couple, who obviously did not read the book, because throughout the movie, they were exclaiming loudly about what this is, or what that is... ... LOL.
So overall, The Half Blood Prince remains a normal movie to normal people, and would only appeal to people who have been chasing the sequels or have read the book, and are all just too curious to stay at home and not buy the ticket.
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